Monday, March 14, 2011

Right between the eyes...

Our Daily Bread
God has blessed me so many times through the Our Daily Bread devotional.  The devotional for today is another example.  I needed to hear "yes it is OK to have questions".  God may or may not answer the questions in the time frame we request.

The key is to not let the questions or doubts or troubling thoughts make you bitter and resentful to God or to others.  God really does have a plan for us.

In my case, I feel that God is ridding my personality of the "dross" that has kept me from having the kind of romantic relationship that is a desire of my heart.  I have focused on wanting the wrong men the past 3.5 years, wasting a lot of time and resources, instead of waiting on the Lord.  God did teach me a lot through those experiences.  I am thankful for that.  God can use many situations to teach us stuff.

Do you have questions?  Seeking answers?  Having doubts?  I hope the poem at the end of the devotional means as much to you as it did to me:

What God is doing you may not know now,
But someday you’ll understand why;
Questions that taunt you and trouble your mind
Will one day have heaven’s reply. —Hess

Lord, I have no idea what you are up to.  Please help me trust more and question you less.  Let not my mind and heart be troubled with unsurety.

Movie Monday
Battle: Los Angeles was my movie choice of the weekend.  I planned to see more movies, but I had to work most of the weekend.  I will make up for that this week.  ;-)

Battle: Los Angeles is an 'Independence Day" kind of movie where aliens attack our world and mankind overcomes.  The action was pretty cool.  The aliens and ships were very cool as well.  I was most impressed by the Marines (the actors playing Marines).  I know it was only a movie, but I now have a new appreciation for the military's commitment to civilians and to protecting our county (world).  It had to be "go to the bathroom in my pants" kind of scary to face the aliens (or to face Iran or Afghanistan).  I imagine that real world Marines are even more brave than the ones in the movie.  That is amazing.  Please see the Other Stuff section of this posting for the inspiring idea I had after the movie.

I give this movie 2 bear paws.  It is worth seeing on the big screen.  Lots of things go boom.  I like that.  ;-)

Other Stuff
I had an interesting idea after watching the movie on Friday night.  Remember how the Supreme Court upheld the Constitutional right of protesters to gather at the funeral of a military person?  I had the idea to do the same thing I saw in Columbus, Ohio at my first Pride Parade.  Some of the local churches surrounded the "haters" who were chanting hate messages towards the gays and lesbians gathered at the event.  The churches surrounded them and chanted louder and had bigger signs proclaiming how God loves us and wants us to be his children.  Wouldn't it be cool for some patriotic folks to surround the graveside  protesters and thank the families who lost loved ones for their sacrifice.  Thank the families for a brave son or daughter than allowed us to keep our freedom!  I will have to check into this.

My eyes are doing. OK.  Whew.... Still taking things easy.

I worked a lot this weekend.  Still trying to get some things fixed at work.  Whew...

I also learned an important lesson about wearing rubber gloves when working with oven cleaner...  ;-(

Hang in there, my friends.  I will be upbeat and steady.  That is what I do...

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