Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What are you supposed to be doing?

Our Daily Bread
 What are you supposed to be doing to give God glory?  In the devotional, a former professional guitar player took up his instrument again after giving his life to God.  He wanted to give God glory through his playing. 

I think about this a lot since I am a singer.  I haven't been singing much lately.  I use the excuse that I don't see very well.  It is hard for me to read music in the correct time frame to learn the music.  Hog wash!  What a stupid excuse!  ;-p  I need to do more.  I will figure out what to do.

What are you supposed to be doing?  Sing?  Play?  Talk?  Draw?  What are you supposed to be doing to bring glory to God?

Lord, I want to use my talents to give you glory.

Lifestyle Change Wednesday
What I did tell this week:
I ate a little better overall.  I got right back on the wagon after not eating well a few days.

What I didn't do well:
I had at least two binge days.  ;-(  Not good. I will do better.  I will figure out why I had these binge days.

I gained a few pounds back this week.  It is hard to lose weight when you binge a few days and have to take a lot of insulin to keep your blood sugar down.  Not a good habit to get into.  I will do better.

Other Stuff
My eye is going better today.  I have a doctor appointment today for a checkup. 

I am happy to report that I wasn't horribly needy last night.  I didn't ask God for a sign or for more faith.  I rested in the fact that he is working in my situations.  Thank you, God!  I am doing my best to trust him to meet the desires of my heart.

God taught me so much about relationship stuff in the past few weeks.  I am very thankful. 

Tonight is the last D2 class.  Time flies when you are having fun!

Hang in there, my friends.  I will be upbeat and steady.  That is what I do...

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