Wednesday, June 19, 2013

No pain, no gain

Our Daily Bread
I want this to go on the record officially - I don't like pain!  I have a high pain threshold, so if I am in pain, it really hurts!  Pain has its place in our lives.  It is warning when something is wrong.  It is reminder that we have to be careful!

Once again, the devotional is very appropriate for me.  I have been feeling some pain lately -- both physically and emotionally.  My dentist is helping me fix the physical pain.  The Holy Spirit is helping me with the emotional pain!  Praise God!  We sometimes hold on to the things that cause us pain.  The book I read the past few weeks talked about being thankful in times of pain.  For example, instead of regretting the loss of a relationship, I try to focus on being thankful for not being in a relationship with someone that didn't treat me well.  It is hard to do at times!  Thankfulness through the pain is a great pain reliever!

Lord, thank you for giving us so many more reasons to be thankful than there are painful things in our world!

Wellness Wednesday
Peace Quotes: 11 Sayings To Help You Feel At Ease
Check out this article for the eleven peace quotes that really seem to help me throughout the day.

Let go, my friends!  God will there to catch you and hold you in his loving arms!

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