Our Daily Bread
I feel like we get caught up in labels -- it is obvious in the way we label people and the way we wear labels! A friend recently told me that there are two types of Ralph Lauren labels -- blue and green. The garments with blue labels were deemed "better". I was so relieved to find out I had blue label Ralph Lauren shirts and pants! DOH! See! I am doing it again! hehehe
But I digress... The devotional talks about not just wearing labels, like the label of being a child of God, but rather living the life of a child of God! Take a look at James 1:19-27 that talks about this. I loved the last paragraph of the devotional:
True religion is not a garment to be taken on and off. It is a lofty challenge about how we live before a holy God and others.
Lord, help us find true faith that we can show each and every day.
Technology Thursday
The technology world is so boring right now. At least the tablet wars and patent wars are taking a rest. Here are a few headlines.
Google Drive facing issues with content rights.
Apple has more cash that most countries...
Sprints truly unlimited data plan not attracting many iPhone users
RIM's BBOS10 device due in October. Too much, too little, too late?
Other Stuff
I went to a movie after work last night. After relaxing and getting another night's rest, I am feeling much better. I need to work out today for sure! I didn't feel like it yesterday. We had a good D1 class. Only three more weeks to go!
Let go, my friends! God will be there to catch you and hold you in his loving arms!
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