Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Find your way

Our Daily Bread
I have been fortunate to have many great and effective teachers in my life.  I define a great and effective teacher as someone who can communicate the message of the lesson to each person, no matter what form it takes!

The devotional is about being a great and effective Christian.  In what way can you best share God's love?  We are all different and have different talents and gifts.  The story in the devotional is about Thomas Gallaudet who established the American School for the Deaf.  He found his best way to communicate God's love was to the deaf through sign language!  It is an amazing story!

What is your best way?  Can you talk to people?  Can you serve others in some way?  Find your way...

Lord, thank you for making each one of us special.  Please help us find our special way to share your love!

Wellness Wednesday
Holiday wellness
So the holidays are on us!  For folks on the path to lifetime wellness, is this a "woohooo!" time or a "oh crap!" time?  It is sort of both for me this year.  I am determined to not just throw away my work over the course of the last year so I can "enjoy" too much food and drink the last month of the year.  Moderation is my theme.  Have a good time at parties and dinners, but don't gorge myself at every one of them!  Here are some holiday tips from an article here:

1. Make sure your food is safe!
Keep food safe to prevent food borne illnesses. Wash hands and food contact surfaces often. Keep raw meat and their juices away from ready-to-eat food. Cook turkey or stuffing to 165°F. Refrigerate perishable food within two hours.

2. Make physical activity part of your holiday tradition.
Search for a an organized walk or run in your local community or incorporate some form of exercise into your holiday tradition. Playing with the little ones outside or taking a walk after a big meal will help you not feel as full  and listless.

3. Eat Often.
Be sure to eat a healthy breakfast on the days that you know you’ll eat more than usual. Eating smaller meals
throughout the day will help you get full faster, therefore eating less. Try not to arrive at dinner famished because you starved yourself all day, this could open up the potential for over-eating. Consider having dessert a few hours after the meal is complete.

4. Think "Eat This Not That".
It's all about the right choices! You probably already know what the better choices are, but here are a few reminders. Consider cranberry sauce over gravy and choose white meat over dark meat, as it's less fatty. Take bigger portions of healthy items like vegetables, and more moderate portions of creamy casseroles.

5. Connect with the spirit of gratitude this holiday season.
Some research shows that expressing gratitude can help improve mood, increase energy levels, relieve stress and increase motivation. Remember to take a few deep, relaxing breaths throughout the day. Even positive emotions like excitement and enthusiasm create stress in the body, so it's important to periodically do something that promotes relaxation.

Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

Let go, my friends!  God will be there to catch you and hold you in his loving arms!

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