Tuesday, July 9, 2013

2001: A Space Odyssey

Our Daily Bread
When many folks my age think about the words "space" and "music", they think of the theme from the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey.  There are so many words to describe the piece.  Think about what yours are.

Now, think about that piece of music and the words you used to describe it.  Multiply that my infinity and you will have the music raised in praise to our Almighty God at creation!  If you aren't that good at math, it is a WHOLE lot!  ha!  Music and shouting to praise our God!

I have felt such a joy and praise a few times in my life.  I pray to feel them more, not for the feeling or to lift myself up, but for the privilege of praising our Awesome God!

Lord, thank you for being patient with us and our limited understanding of who you are.  Please help us to focus on loving and serving you and loving and serving others!

Teaching Tuesday
I finished A Pilgrimage in Faith: An Introduction to the Episcopal Church over the weekend.  I was fascinated by all the history and details in the book.  I will re-read it again this year and study it.  I really enjoyed it.  Here are a few meaningful excerpts:
"A myth is a story which attempts to describe abstract, or eternal truths in concrete, pictorial words... myth is occasioned by the experiences of those who were "eyewitneses" of God's activity in history".

The Bible is not antiscientific but prescientific.

Thus the Bible does not need for its divine inspiration the painstaking efforts of scholars to explain away all variations and discrepancies to preserve literal truth or verbal inspiration.  Nor do we need to take seriously accusations involving its basic inaccuracy, for the Bible not only has a way of surviving its critics but converting some of them!

...the reason we don't place the Bible at the center of the altar is that we do not worship the Scriptures but the Author of the Scripture.

Essentially, creeds represent ways of bringing together, in a systematic statement, the truths of revelation in Scripture.

I pray the weight of my sins doth not crush me back to dust from where I came. I pray that God create in me a new, clean heart and place a right spirit within me. Restore to me the joy of my salvation. Praise the Almighty God from whom all blessings flow.

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