Monday, July 1, 2013

I will survive

Our Daily Bread
"At first I was afraid, I was petrified".  Those the beginning words of  I will Survive sung by Gloria Gaynor. Haven't we all felt this way at one time or another?  Maybe you are feeling this way right now?  I know I love to boogie when she breaks out into the chorus "I will survive, I WILL survive, ooohhhOooohhhhh"  ha!

Surviving our own failures can be very difficult.  Dealing with the alienation from God and from others can be overwhelming.  I know I made several mistakes in my life.  I was able to recover from some of them due to the grace of God and the love of friends.  Some others were irreconcilable.  I am still sad about those relationships at times, but I know stuff happens.  No one is perfect.  I will survive!  How about you?  Are you surviving?

Lord, thank you for your love and grace.  We can live victoriously, not just survive!

Movie Monday
I saw two movies this weekend: World War Z and Monsters University.

World War Z
I was pleasantly surprised by this movie.  If you go into with an open mind, it is enjoyable and very suspenseful.  Friends who watch The Walking Dead thought it sucked!  Oh well.  Everyone has their own tastes.  It is not a waste of time like I originally thought from the previews.

I give this two bear paws.  You can rent it.  Not necessary to see at the theater.

Monsters University
I really liked the first Monsters Inc movie.  The second one did not disappoint.  Lots of college humor and some interesting insights into the first movie.  It is the story of the main heroes from Monsters Inc as they attend college.  There are some very cute and funny parts with a lesson to be learned (of course).

I give this two bear paws.  Not necessary to see it at the theater.

We are far from perfect, but despite our mistakes and our sins, we will never abandon the Lord and he will never abandon us - adapted from a statement about Abraham from the EfM Training Guide

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