Thursday, July 4, 2013

The eyes have it

Happy Fourth of July!

A friend posted this on Facebook from Addision, TX

Our Daily Bread
Yes, yes, I know the title is a play on words.  On purpose!  DOH!  hehehe  A funny moment for me was watching a Despicable Me 2 preview where a one-eyed minion looks at another minion in disgust and says "aie, aie, AIE"  I kept thinking he was say "eye, eye, EYE".  Get it?  One eyed minion?  Never mind...

I don't feel like I am anything special in the spirituality department, but I liked this quote from the devotional:
Those who have known the Lord for a long time or who have gone through great trials seem to have a better heavenly vision than the rest of us.

Does that describe you?  I like to think it describes me, but I admit there are sooooo many things about which I am clueless!  Clueless I say!  I like the prayer at church "Forgive me of my sins, both known and unknown".  I hate the unknown sins!  How can I stop doing them if they are unknown?

ANYWAY, let's pray for each other for better spiritual vision.  To see what God sees in each and every person.  To have a better heavenly vision!

Lord, we cannot comprehend your love and your heavenly vision.  Please help us do the best we can!

Technology Thursday
Fireworks are in the air for a few day to celebrate the birthday of the United States of America.  I realized that I didn't understand all the technology used for fireworks displays, so I did some research.  Here are some good articles:

The scientific flash behind the fireworks - Technology & science ...



I refuse to give you power over my attitude and mood.
I refuse to allow you to dictate my response to you.
I refuse to give you the power to change my behavior.
I refuse to allow you to steal my peace and joy.

You can be mean. I will be kind.
You can hurt me. I will forgive you (but not trust you!).
You can be a jerk. I will have mercy.
You can be bitter. I will be grateful that I don't have to live with that poison in my soul.

I cannot tell you what you are going to do.
But I can tell you what I am going to do.

This is self-control. This is humility. This is dignity. - Unknown

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