What do I write about this devotional? I admit that I am not familiar with the Simon the Sorcerer story in Acts. That caught me by surprise this morning. So what do I say about this story?
My first inclination was saying something like "we all know poison ivy people in our church". Whoa! That sounded way too judgmental (even for me...). My second thought was actually thinking of specific names of people like that (even more inappropriate).
Finally, God told me to look at myself. Isn't that the real purpose for these devotionals and readings? I had to ask myself -- Am I being a poison ivy person? Not just at church, but in all places that I show my face? Should I just carry some bottles of Calamine with me to hand out to everyone that I come in contact with? I pray it isn't so. I also pray that I will focus on my own life instead of trying to point out things in the lives of others. That is the job of the Holy Spirit.
Lord, I don't want to be a poison ivy person. Please help me to be a rose amongst roses wherever I go.
Movie Monday
I didn't make it to the movies this week. I had a busy week, but it was a great one! I would like to write a little bit about the Capital Pride Band concert this weekend. The Capital Pride Band is the GLBT band based in Columbus, Ohio. They have concerts twice a year. They also participate in other activities during the year, like a marching band in the Pride Parade, etc.
This concert was called "A Musical Passport". The programs were designed to look like a passport that folded out to include all the information about the concert, sponsors, etc. It was nice.
There was a variety of musical selections from around the world (and above) as you can imagine from the theme of the concert. Here are what I consider to be the highlights. Noble Deeds was the first piece. It was a great piece to start the concert with. It got my attention with the interesting musical lines. It was also well-played by the band. Nimrod was great as well. I like the music of Elgar. Who's Who in Navy Blue was a hoot. Part Sousa and part seaman-like singing. It was cute! The selections from Wicked were well-played. I was not crazy about the\ arrangement as the transitions between songs were a little rough in my opinion.
The concert, played by over 70 musicians, was very enjoyable. Great job, folks!
Other Stuff
I had a busy day, but God knew what I needed. I went to early church, and then drove back down to Grove City to volunteer for the Emmaus Walk a few more hours to help clean up. I also wanted to see how the recipes I helped with and my lunch creation were received! ;-) They all turned out great. My self-confidence showed through once again, so I was asked "Are you a chef or something?" Ha! If they only knew! hehehe I said, no, I just like to cook.
I attended the Cap Pride Band concert with my new buddy. We had a nice time talking and hanging out. I have to apologize again for sort of disappearing at intermission. Some friends caught up with me when my buddy was in the restroom. He couldn't find me for a while. I am sorry I went MIA!
I planned to visit a buddy last night after the concert. I love spending time with him, but I was very tired. He called me from Denver to let me know he is working the next few days. I missed seeing him, but I was a little glad I could go home and relax!
I had my mind on trying to transfer some accompaniment tracks from cassette to my computer so I can play them on my iPod. I have had my cassette deck beside my desk to a LONG time and haven't played with this. I have responsibility for the devotional and prayer on Wednesday night. God told me to sing one of my old favorites (that was on cassette, but is now on my iPod). The will be a little different approach than the other devotionals we had! I will let you know how it works out.
Hang in there, my friends. I will be upbeat and steady. That is what I do...
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