Our Daily Bread
An old BeeGees song talks about Words. "Words are all I have to take your heart away..." The devotional today talks about words. I don't think they are related, but they might be... hehehe
The link that I make between the song and the devotional is that words are not the only thing God has to touch our hearts. Yes, his words move and touch us in the Bible, even the shortest of the Psalms can speak to us for centuries. Who knew that Gentiles would even be in the equation at that time? That was revolutionary.
God also speaks to us through his Holy Spirit. It is cool that nothing can separate us from God's love. His Spirit pours out amongst us when we ask. The only thing that can keep us from feeling God's love is us -- we can block our own feeling of His love for many reasons.
Lord, Help me to feel your love in my life. Please use me to show your love to others.
Movie Monday
I got to see two movies last week: Soul Surfer and Green Lantern. I enjoyed them both, but for different reasons.
Soul Surfer
When I talk about how gives me what I need, when I need it, I will use Monday night and this movie as an example. I was a little down because my prayer group decided not to meet. I did something really stupid Sunday night that I needed to deal with. God lead me to this movie. I was surprised by the religious aspects of the movie. DOH! SOUL surfer... DOH! hehehe Seeing the way that God worked in this girl's life after a shark bit off one of her arms. Her story and her attitude continues to inspire folks around the world.
I give this movie three bear paws because of the story and the way that religion was expressed as a natural way of life.
Green Lantern
OK, I understand that not everyone likes comic book movies, especially critics. I liked this movie. Didn't love it, but I liked it. It was a little slow and awkward in some places. In other places, it was quite good. It sort of felt like they setup the big fight scene at the end for 90 minutes. I liked the movie because of the story line and the history of the Green Lantern character. I also liked the "we are human, but we are growing" theme through the movie. I related that to my spiritual life -- being given a tremendous responsibility with a tremendous gift. ;-)
I give this movie two bear paws. See it at the theater for the special effects.
Other Stuff
I had a relaxing day on Sunday. I went to late church to give my walking buddy's husband his Fathers Day card. I really enjoyed the sermon. I also felt God leading me to apologize to someone for writing a stupid email last week. I don't know what will happen with this person, but I know I did the right thing by apologizing. I praise God for his healing power as I move forward in my life.
I finished the book Stretch out your Hand last night. I need to reread the book again. I will also go through the study guide. I feel God leading me in this ministry, but I have no idea in what capacity. I think I am too vain and arrogant to be a leader in a healing service. I will write about what happens.
I plan to go to the gym tonight after work, then go watch some friends play softball if the weather allows.
Hang in there, my friends! I will be upbeat and steady. That is what I do...
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