Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Holy Week - Day 4

Our Daily Bread
I changed the famous movie quote a little to go along with the devotional "The truth? We have to hold on to the truth!".  Yes, the truth abounds this Holy Week as we are reminded of the truth of our sin and God's mercy each day.  Personally, I know Satan has been at working overtime this week.  How about you?  Have you had more distractions than normal?  Have you felt like a heavier burden than normal has been on your shoulders? 

Hold on to the truth, my friends!  You CAN handle the truth.  The truth will set you free!

Lord, thank you for sharing the truth with us.  Please help us hold on to your truth!

Wellness Wednesday
Healthy snacks
Please forgive me if I write about eating habits the next few weeks.  I sooooooo need a reminder that I will never accomplish my weight loss and fitness goals until I get my eating habits under consistent control.  I have been lingering in the land of "one good day and six bad days" instead of 6 to 1 or 5 to 2.  Whew...  Here are some tips about snacking.  If you need to snack, and not everyone needs to, consider following these recommendations from an AOL Healthy Living article.

  1. Do you really need to snack?  Not everyone needs the extra calories from snacking.  Some folks require regular snacks to maintain their metabolic rate or maintain their blood sugar levels.  
  2. Confusing the terms "snack" and "treat".  I eat way too many treats.  The guideline I have read is limit the snack to 100 calories or less and it must have some nutritional value.  100 calories worth of M&Ms is not a good thing!  Snacks should also help you feel full if you are eating to stave off hunger and binging.  Try to eat something with protein if you must have a snack.  It will help you feel fuller, longer.
  3. Having "healthy" carbs alone.  Most folks consider a apple or orange by itself as a healthy snack.  You should include some kind of protein with a carby snack.  The protein helps the food gently elevate your blood sugar level instead of a sudden spike.
  4. Skipping fruits and veggies.  There are many reasons that nutritionists recommend a combo snack of protein and carbs -- it is the most healthy for you if you have to snack!  Try not to eat a protein only snack.
  5. Being mindless.  I like the term "multi-tasking snacking".  Find what you are good at and stick with it!  That's what I say!  Seriously, it is easy to mindlessly eat a whole bag of chips or box of Girl Scout cookies while watching TV or surfing the Internet on your iPad.  I have a tendency to stress eat or mindlessly eat.  Stop it, duanebear!
  6. "health halo grazing".  Even if you eat the right stuff in the right combinations (carb and protein), it is too easy to let the portion size and calorie count grow to the size of a meal.  Don't do that, duanebear!  ha! 
The bottom line: If you must snack, eat the right foods in the right portions!
Let go, my friends!  God will be there to catch you and hold you in his loving arms!

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