Our Daily Bread
Have you ever channel surfed and ran across something that you wish you never saw? For me, it used to be a surgery channel that had all kinds of gross stuff on the screen! There were also shows that made people eat gross stuff to win money. Ewww!
Think of the grossest (Don't think that is a word, but it sounded good) thing you ever saw or felt or heard. Now multiply that by the highest number you can think of, like a ten bazillion. IMHO, that is how God feels about sin. Can you imagine having that grossest feeling ever as many times as he has it every day with all of our sinning? Sin is not just a "bad thing". Our sins separate us from God. Separation is bad!
Jesus gave himself to mend the sinful rift between God and man. We can accept that gift or not. Accepting is good. ;-)
Lord, thank you for the sacrifice of your only Son. Please help us accept that gift and try to sin no more!
Technology Thursday
Not much going in the technology world that interests me. I found a couple of articles that I thought were cool. I hope you like them, too.
I am a gadget geek, so this one struck home --> What Your Gadgets Really Say About You
The most anticipated tech of 2013
Keep Dreaming: 13 Technologies You Won’t See in 2013
Pheed: The Social Network That's Winning Over Teens from Facebook and Twitter - You knew it had to be coming soon as millions of moms, dads, grandmas and grandpas started crowding Facebook!
Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” John 11:40
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