Our Daily Bread
If you go to the movies or watch TV, you have heard and seen the concept of "keeping up with the Jones'"! You have also heard sayings like "greed is good". How does that really fit with our life in Christ?
The devotional today talks about "how much is enough". Should we always be asking for more? A recent ad campaign by Coke Zero always asked the question "And?". The young man was always wanting more until he found Coke Zero!
Here is a silly question for you? What is the Coke Zero in your life? When will we stop asking "And?" or "More?". Think about that this week. Personally, I have struggled with this issue recently. I usually come into a little extra money this time of year from tax refunds, bonus, credit card cash back, etc. I am ashamed to admit that I usually run up my credit cards before the money arrives and then pay them off. I spend the money before I get it, then poof! it is gone! That is not a good thing. I committed to myself that I would not be as wasteful this year. For example, I paid for most of my Chicago trip with cash. I didn't run up my credit card with extra purchases. I was very happy with myself for that!
What do you need to look at in your life?
Lord, thank you for opening my eyes to see that the only "more" I want and need is more of you in my life!
Witness Wednesday
Been thinking a lot this week about what is important to me and what I want to spend my time and energy on. I felt like I had to make some tough choices. I felt like I had to clean up some things that weren't that enjoyable for me and were taking too much energy. I ended a friendship last week. I quit the mens chorus this week. I wasn't enjoying the experience any more. It was taking too much energy that I could be spending on more important things like exercising and learning Spanish. I sing in two other groups, so that will cover my singing time each week!
These decisions are not easy. It can be painful. It can be awkward. It can make you look bad to people that don't understand. Life is too short to not make these decisions. Be brave. Be true to yourself.
Other Stuff
I enjoyed my first Valentines Day with mi tigre. I played with the ape he sent me over and over to hear all the things he would say when I held up his arm or pressed the button on his foot. I am a sappy guy when it comes to that kind of stuff. I also read his cards several times throughout the day. He is a very special man. We will see where this relationship goes.
I had a boot camp workout, then went home to finish my reading and put away my laundry. I need to make snacks for tonight's D1 class after work. I think I know what I am going to do.
Let go, my friends! God will be there to catch you and hold you in his loving arms!
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