Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Calm down, children...

Our Daily Bread
"Calm down, children" is what I would hear from my favorite Sunday School teacher growing up.  Mrs. Spence was teasing us because were early teens learning about life in Christ.  She opened up our eyes to this new life each week with scripture, stories, games and movies.  It is amazing how those things stick with you!

I didn't think the devotional had much to do with me as I started reading it today.  It sounded like a devotional about parenting, but took a whole different approach to the topic of children in the last paragraph!     The devotional talked about how we, as children of God, can act like children in our spiritual lives.  It also mentioned how God acts as our parent in trying to keep us safe and helping us figure out what is best for our lives.  It also states how we should avoid acting as children by not causing conflict.  My family called it "being ornery!".  ha!

Lord, please help us find peace in your will.

Workout Wednesday
If you ever started a new workout plan or diet or "lifestyle change" as I call it, then it is very likely you have fallen off the wagon once or twice.  The holidays roll around.  You go on vacation.  Your job goes nuts and you work a lot of overtime.  Lots of things happen in our busy lives.  What to do?

  1. Don't give up!  Living a healthier lifestyle is one of the most important things you can do.  It is also one of the lowest priorities in most of our lives!  Pick back up where you left off or start over.  Whatever it takes to keep going!
  2. Don't beat yourself up about it.  I cringed when I got on the scale on Monday.  I was on vacation last week and fell off the wagon.  I managed to exercise a few days, but didn't eat as well as I should have.  Heck, it was vacation.  I got back on the wagon on Monday.  I will continue as best as I can!
  3. Even if you take two steps forward and one step back, it is still moving forward!  I eat what I want.  The funny part is that I want different stuff now!  Training yourself to want the right things instead of trembling like a junkie when you walk by the ice cream freezer at the grocery store is not easy!  ha!  You can do this!
  4. Treat yourself .... the right way.  I used to treat myself with sweet treats or an unhealthy meal.  Now, I treat myself to some new clothes or new workout equipment or my personal favorite, new underwear (embarrassed by that a little...).  Looking better in the mirror is a big treat!
  5. You are not alone.  Trust God to help you develop better discipline.  Find a workout buddy or someone who is on a similar journey.  It helps a lot!

You can do this!  Start now!
Let go, my friends!  God will be there to catch you and hold you in his loving arms!

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