Monday, July 23, 2012


Our Daily Bread
I have been a "character" since my junior year in high school.  My friends say joking statements like "You are so bad" or "Here comes trouble" a lot.  ;-p  If your own mother says "you are so bad", then it must be true!  Ha!

The devotional tells us that Jesus warns us "Here comes trouble!".  He follows that statement with his promise that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit will be with us always through good times and bad times.  We need to rest in his peace.

I don't know about you, but I suck at resting in his peace.  The devotional speaks to me at a time when I am struggling with a few things.  They are not problems, just inconveniences, as a friend would say.  After all I have been through in the past five years, I should just dismiss these minor inconveniences and be at peace.  Why do we have such a hard time with that?

Let's pray for each other that we will accept God's peace like we accept a generous gift from a friend or relative.  We can do this!

Lord, I want to look myself in the mirror and say "Peace be unto you" and mean it!

Movie Monday
I took time to see the Batman movie on Friday.  By taking time, I mean the time commitment of 2 hours and 45 minutes!  I liked the movie a lot.  The amazing part is that it kept my attention the entire movie.  That is very unusual for a long movie.  The action scenes were very cool.  The plot twists were very cool.  The special effects were cool.  Please note that there a few moments where you might say "what did I just see and why did I just see it?".  I have those moments in almost every movie.  Try not to over-think the movie and just enjoy it.  If you are any kind of Batman fan, you will.

I give this movie three bear paws.  See it on the big screen.

Let go, my friends!  God will be there to catch you and hold you in his loving arms!

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