Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Our Daily Bread
I was taught as a young Christian to never doubt God or his Word.  That sounds fine in theory, but that would make me either more or less than human!  I am not a robot with a "do not doubt" switch in it!  No, sirree!  Instead of the saying "I think, therefore I am".  I say  "I doubt, therefore I am human"!

I loved the saying at the end of the devotional:
Reassurance comes as we doubt our doubts and believe our beliefs.

Do you have those moments when you doubt your doubts?  I am talking "Heeeyyyyy, that may not be right..." thoughts.  It is at those moments that God can help us believe our beliefs!  You do believe your beliefs, don't you?  It is easy to say, but not easy to always remember.  What promises are you believing from God's Word?  From your prayer time with him?  From your daily walk?  Yes, I know.  I try to "make things happen" when I should trust God to lead and provide.  Yes, we all need to do our part in God's plan.  I am not saying to sit back and things will magically happen.  I am saying that we need to do the things that God wants us to do and he will lead us to the fulfillment of his promises!

Lord, please help us doubt our doubts and believe our beliefs!

Teaching Tuesday
Secret number 8 from the 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People is:
Accept yourself -- unconditionally.

Wow!  I admit that I have some problems with this one.  First, I confuse the concept of "accept yourself" with the concept of "self-love".  I was taught that self-love is bad.  Self-esteem is good.  Accept yourself is self-esteem (which is good).  Whew.... So much for my tiny brain to comprehend!  ha!  Also, accepting yourself doesn't mean that you shouldn't try to improve yourself.  It means that you shouldn't beat yourself up because you aren't something other than what you are!

Second, the "unconditionally" part is hard for me, too.  I look in the mirror or I read some the stupid emails I sent or look around at some of the relationship mistakes I have made and have difficulty accepting myself unconditionally.  I had a breakthrough recently where I emailed some friends something like "After all I have been through in the past five years, I am doing the best I can".  Yes, we are human and make mistakes.  Yes, there are usually consequences.  Accepting yourself unconditionally acknowledges those things so you can truly move forward in your life!

Lastly, I have had an issue with people liking me for me.  I sometimes think that people won't like me if I don't give them things, or say the right words, or sing the way I can sing or live where I live, etc. (you fill in your own blanks here...).  My closest friendships are with folks who accept me for me and will spend time with me regardless of my lot in life.  They like me for me, not because of what I can do for them.  Wow!  Accepting yourself unconditionally allows you to let others accept you unconditionally too!  Who knew?  hehehe

Please understand that these comments are from my own personal experience.  I am not a trained counselor or learned psychologist.  Life can teach us things if we just pay attention.  They really are simple secrets...

Let go, my friends!  God will be there to catch you and hold you in his loving arms!

U r a BCOG.  U r FAWM.  Now believe it!

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