Our Daily Bread
One of my favorite Donna Summer songs, may she rest in peace, is "She works hard for the money". I tease my friends about this a lot!
The question in the devotional asks us "are you doing too much to build up riches in this world?". The wise words of Solomon encourage us to build up eternal riches! This sounds like New Testament stuff!
We all want things. We want things for us. Want things for our families and friends. Want things for our church and extended family. If we make "things" the priority, even if they are good things, then we on the wrong track! love this saying:
"The best things in life aren't things!"
Lord, please help us focus on you and your work and not put things first in our life!
Workout Wednesday
Walking or Running
There is a lot of discussion about whether running or walking is better for you. Most folks agree that walking is much easier on your body. Running is obviously faster, takes less time and can have better cardio effects. What are some tips for each type of exercise?
Buy very good shoes! You can usually get away with a good brand and not get fitted.
Wear comfortable clothes.
Stretch a little before walking.
Start slow. Work your way up to walking faster and farther.
Pump your arms or use walking sticks.
Cool down. Stretch afterwards. Drink some healthy sports drink (low sugar). Eat 1/2 a banana
Buy very good shoes! If you are just starting to run, go to a store like Frontrunners to get fitted.
Warm up. Do some warm up exercises before you run.
Start slow. Don't try to run a 10k or marathon your first few times out. Work up to it.
Be aware of your body. Be aware of what your body is telling your during your run.
Cool down. Stretch afterwards. Drink some healthy sports drink (low sugar). Eat 1/2 a banana
Rest. Know your limits. Don't run every day if your body tells you not to.
I recommend using walking and/or running in addition to other types of exercise so you get a good balance of cardio and weight work. Remember that the calorie burning of cardio stops shortly after the exercise stops. The calorie burning of more or worked muscles lasts longer after weight work.
Do something! ;-)
Let go, my friends! God will be there to catch you and hold you in his loving arms!
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