I laughed when I read the devotional for today. When tough times come, I don't hold on by my fingernails -- I chew them! Yikes... I have been pretty good about not biting my fingernails the past few years. I still bite them to trim them. I am working on that, too. ;-p
I also thought about what I usually say to friends -- "Hang in there!" I guess I need to change it to "Let go!" Let go so God can hold you and support you in his loving hand! God loves us and wants us to rely on him when things in life don't go the right way.
Thank you, God, for being there to hold me up when I can't hang on by myself!
Technology Thursday
I have been using my iPhone 4S for almost a week now. It is a big improvement from my 3GS model. Here are some notes from my week.
- The 4S is a little heavier than my 3GS. Not a big deal
- I love the retina display screen. Very easy to read. Pictures and video pop off the screen.
- I love the dual processor power. Very fast in most cases. Some apps are just slow regardless of how much power you have!
- The 3G/HSPA+ from ATT is much faster in general. I did a speed test on my 3GS and then on the 4S. The 4S was 2.5 times faster on downloads and about 5 times faster on uploads. Very cool!
- The Safari browser was updated in iOS5. Web browsing is faster. Very cool!
- The new camera hardware is very nice. The pictures are beautiful.
- Battery life is OK. Not great. Not a lot worse. I don't use the Bluetooth feature on most days. I use wireless, Siri and location services every day.
- Siri is pretty cool. I gave it the command to "search internet for Psalm 23". Siri brought up Safari and googled Psalm 23 for me. Cool! There are some odd answers at times. Siri is still in beta. It will get better.
- I am not sure I am crazy about iCloud yet. I don't trust it. hehehe The syncing of Calendar left me questioning how things work. Oh well.
- I haven't tried all the new features yet. I will try more next week and write about it!
Other Stuff
We had a good D1 class last night. I enjoy it more and more each week. I am remembering stuff from D2 as we go along. God is reminding me about stuff, like the children of Israel so long ago!
I used my free muffins coupon at Mimi's last night. I will take those to Mom on Saturday.
Waiting to hear back from the doctor about my antibiotic. Feeling a little under the weather.
Let loose, my friends! God will be there!
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