Our Daily Bread
"Some glad morning when this life is o'er, I'll fly away..." is what the hymn says. The devotional this morning talks about there being "no goodbyes" for the children of God! We will be together forever in heaven when we all get there. Amen!
I struggle with this theology at times. Yes, I believe in heaven and hell. I believe only the folks with a relationship with God will be there. I believe Jesus reveals himself to whoever he wants, however he wants. We cannot restrict him to the New Testament version we read about at church! The problem I have is folks that use this as "fire insurance" insurance so they won't go to hell! They live the way they want and have little regard for God's ways. I pray for all those folks!
Lord, thank you so much for the gift of your Son and for heaven.
Simply Saturday
When I got to church last night to usher, I found they had too many users in place. I chose to come home to do stuff around the house instead of seeing the show. I started laundry. I paid bills. I got some other things straightened out. I got cold. I finally had to turn the heat on this morning! I had been using one or two electric heaters the past few weeks. I was really cold this morning, so the heat came on! I run it on a program to optimize the gas usage.
I had a nice lunch with my associate pastor yesterday. We talked about stuff. We talked about the projects we want to work on in the Technology committee. It was nice. I have always felt close to her for some reason.
I went to a movie after work. It was interesting. I will write about it on Monday. I could have gotten more done around the house if I had known I wasn't needed to usher and gone home after work. Not a big deal.
I received an email that my iPhone 3GS was received by the company that is buying it from me. They will audit what I sent in and hopefully send me an nice Apple gift card! Woohooo!
Going to visit my mother today. I picked up a few things she needs, including muffins from Mimi's Cafe. ;-p I am going to work on my mens chorus music during my drive.
I hope to get some more work done on my landscaping Sunday afternoon. I want to replant some bulbs that are overgrown. I want to move some ornamental grass to a new bed. I would like to get some more plants for my rear bed. I am also thinking about just putting fertilizer in that bed for the winter and planting stuff in the Spring. I will think about that more. The weather is supposed to be decent for a few days. I may have time to work on it some more before the weather turns cold for the Winter.
Let loose, my friends! God will be there to catch you!
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