Our Daily Bread
I don't think I have a lot of "enemies" as the Bible talks about. I know there are some folks that don't necessarily like me because of my sexuality or my personality or whatever reason(s) they want to choose. If I know someone doesn't like me, I usually go out of my way to help them whenever I can.
An example of this is at work. A coworker that I don't know very well made a disparaging remark about me behind my back. Another coworker was terribly offended and reported the comment to our manager and to HR. Whoa... All this happened before I found out about the comment! The whole team had to attend diversity training! Yikes! A few weeks after that the coworker that made the remark needed my assistance with something. I went over and above what was needed to help out and then followed up with him a few days later to see if he needed anything else. He was surprised to say the least!
That is the point of the devotional. Anyone can love someone else who loves them. God calls us to love our enemies. There are so many examples of how to do this in the Bible, in both the Old and New Testaments. Let's make this one of our resolutions for the new year!
Lord, I want to love my enemies as myself in hopes of leading them to you!
Movie Monday
I saw two movies at the theater last week: War Horse and New Years Eve My best friend and I also watched several movies at home on DVD and Amazon Instant Video. I might review those another time.
War Horse
This epic story was very well done in movie form. The book was made into a Broadway show and this movie. It is the story of a boy and his horse. Their close relationship lasted many years and over many miles and extraordinary circumstances. They survived the first world war and managed to find each other! Wow! It is a long movie and a little slow in places. It was worth seeing at the theater. Be warned that the war scenes are gruesome.
I give this movie three bear paws.
New Years Eve
I saw this movie on New Years Eve with my best friend. It was very cool seeing it that night because you sort of felt like you were in NYC for the dropping of the ball! There were many story lines with lots of cameo appearances by movie stars. That was cool. There were also some twists in the story lines that brought some ooooo's, ahhhhh's and tears. It was also very funny in parts!
I give this one two bear paws.
Other Stuff
I had a nice Sunday. My best friend headed home very early. I went to church. I stopped by the grocery. I took a short nap. I did stuff around the house. I finished most of my D1 reading. I had a couple nice conversations with mi tigre. It was a good day.
I am heading to the movies this morning. I want to rest a little this afternoon before going to mens chorus rehearsal tonight.
Let go, my friends! God will be there to catch you and hold you in his loving arms!
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