Our Daily Bread
The example the author gives in the devotional today was a familiar one to me. I had a vertigo problem for a few weeks last year. It was very unsettling! Seemingly easy tasks were suddenly made difficult because I couldn't stay on an even keel!
Just like the author mentioned, life can be that way as well. A part of us wants life to be on an even keel all the time. A part of us wants spontaneity and change. Finding that balance in our world today is a challenge, especially since we don't have control on all the things around us. We aren't God! I am going to take the author's points a step further and say: we do have a choice! We have a choice in how we respond to the stimuli in our environment! We can grow old and bitter or we can put on the full armor of God so we can win the battle! We can overcome the things in this life! We can make more of heaven on earth!
Lord, please help us put on your full armor so we can be victorious in our lives! To you be the glory!
Witness Wednesday
OK, I admit it. I am a 10 year old trapped in a 52 year old body! Not really, but sort of. I decided a long time ago to not "grow old". Do you know the kind of people I am talking about? The man or woman that is 40 years old and thinks that life is over? They don't live. They just exist!
What do I do to remain young at heart? First, I try to find the wonder in every day life. I try to do this even though I have been a lot of places and seen a lot of things in my life. Finding the wonder in every day life is like finding a hidden treasure every day! How exciting is that?!? ;-p Sometimes the wonder is nature. Sometimes it is a person. Sometimes it is the interaction I have with a person who needs to be uplifted (or when I need to be uplifted).
Second, I let myself feel things. I let myself get excited about things. I let myself be passionate about things. When was the last time you were excited about something or passionate about something? I get excited about having my dinner group friends over for dinner. I get excited about mailing mi tigre a romantic greeting card. I am passionate about my singing. I let myself be passionate about my Bible study class, even though it is 34 weeks long!
Be sensitive to yourself. Be sensitive to what God instructs you to do. As I heard in a sermon recently, how do I know that something is from God? God will not ask you to something that is unhealthy, self-defacing or dangerous to others. Stay young. Stay in tune to God...
Other Stuff
I had a nice evening. I went to see the movie Contraband. I came home to do some stuff around the house and have a couple of talks with mi tigre. He is so sweet to me. I really appreciate. He seems to appreciate how much I care about him as well. He is going to wait until Thursday to open his cards for our two month "anniversary". I am such a silly bear sometimes!
I have my D1 class tonight. Should be a good class.
Let go, my friends! God will be there to catch you and hold you in his loving arms!
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