The devotional today talks about God knowing what we need before we even ask for it. This "knowing" is not obvious stuff like when we meet with a loan officer at the bank (we obviously need money) or meet with the financial aid officer (we need money for school) or visit the doctor (Doc, I am sick...). God knows what we need down deep, sometimes so deep that we haven't even realized it yet.
A recent example from my life is my health. When I started having eye issues over two years ago, I prayed for God to heal my eyes. DOH! Wasn't that obvious? God, what is the problem? I learned that what I really "needed" was to learn patience and self-discipline through a long healing process. I am still learning today. I told my minister recently that "when I finally get all the lessons I need to learn through my thick skull, my eyes will be fine!". God knew I needed to learn these things to have the kind of life He wanted me to have -- a healthier life. My suggestion to you? Pray for wisdom to know how to pray and what to pray for. The answers may just surprise you.
Movie Monday
I didn't have time to go to the movie theater this weekend. I had stuff to do and had to study for a certification test for work. If there had been something very compelling to see I might have made time. The only movie I saw was the last thirty minutes of "The Princess of Mars", an original movie on the SyFy channel. It was like watching a train wreck! I think the special effects of a train wreck would be better than this movie! If you are flipping channels and see this movie playing, turn the channel!
The winner at the box office again this weekend was "Inception". I saw it the day it came out two weeks ago. Very interesting movie. The special effects were worth the price of admission. The plot was twisted with a bizarre ending. There were times I wished it was over and other times I wished it would never end. I can see how some folks would hate it just because it is almost 2.5 hours long. My joke is that if you can't say it in 1.5 hours, it doesn't need to be said or it needs a sequel! The movie is best seen on a large screen. See it in a theater.
Other Stuff
I will study more for my certification test tonight after my dentist appointment. I should have time to work on some computer stuff in my home office this week. I am such a geek sometimes. ;-)
My best friend and I are already planning the stuff we want to do during our trip to San Francisco. We bought our CityPass booklet. We ordered tickets to Beach Blanket Babylon. We made a reservation at The Stinking Rose (a garlic restaurant). I also got in touch with an old friend who lives out there. I am looking forward to seeing him.
REMINDER: Purchase Beano before going to Stinking Rose for dinner.