Once again the devotional is exactly what I needed to hear this morning! I think that is such a miracle! I had thoughts of what I was going to write about in the Simply Saturday section that expanded on the thoughts in the devotional.
Do you remember when you were a child? A friend or family member or parent would make you a promise. It if was a friend, you might "pinky promise". I hadn't heard that term in quite a while. I was reminded of it last weekend. I pinky promise is when you hook pinky fingers with the friend to signify the promise is the real deal.
The devotional reminded me that we don't require a pinky promise with God for him to keep His promises! If the elderly Abraham and Sarah can have faith in God's promise to provide a son, then I can have faith that God will keep His promise to send a special man into my life. I would prefer that to happen before I am 100, but that is another pinky promise! hehehe
What has God promised you? What have you promised God?
Simply Saturday -- That is what I do...
Like I said, this section was going to talk about something very similar to the promise devotional, but with a little twist. What should my expectations be when I feel someone promised me something? Are my expectations unrealistic for myself and for others around me? Here are a couple of examples.
I feel God has promised me a special man in my life. When the heck is that supposed to happen? hehehe Being the type of person who plans stuff, I act like there is a pre-relationship checklist I need to complete before I am ready to meet my someone special. There is a song called Some Day by PureNRG that starts like this:
If it was up to me my life would be a blue print on the table
and every year would have a label
I would know precisely the day that you would come and find me
I'd see your face(the one that I dream of) I just can't wait cause I know
I need to have the faith of Abraham and Sarah that God will keep his promise. I will try not to plan even though -- That is what I do...
Second, what should I expect when someone says "I like you" during a long embrace? Is that a promise of some kind? A fleeting phrase of false feelings followed by infrequent followups? hehehe I LOVE alliteration! hehehe My expectation of someone who says he likes me is that he wants to spend time with me and would make plans to do that as our schedules allow. I don't expect an every day kind of thing with someone new. I feel that once a MONTH is too infrequent! hehehe Am I being unreasonable?
One of the things I learned during my Walk to Emmaus last year is the concept of priorities. I ruffled a few feathers with my thoughts about this topic. As a busy professional, I make time for the things that are a priority to me. That is the bottom line. When I met a new guy recently I told him "You need to make me a priority. I am worth it." hehehe So my feeling is that if someone tells me "I don't have time to spend with you" or 'I have been so0ooooo busy" it translates to me as "you are not a priority to me". This helps me see clearly where the friendship or relationship might go. This discovery does not affect my promise to be friends with the new guy. I just won't make him a priority in my life either -- unless he needs a rock to lean on. That is what I do...
Lastly, this is more personal so stop here if you want, I am dealing with God's promises for my health again. I am very, very thankful for the progress that we made with the healing of my eyes over the past two years. God has given me more strength and courage and resiliency than I ever had before. Hallelujah! I have a new opportunity that I am not as excited about. I had two tests week before last that came back normal. Whew! I am still having some health issues. I am having a CT scan on Monday in hopes of determining what is causing my gastric/abdominal issues. I have mixed feelings. A part of me is very excited about another adventure in trusting God to work in my life. Another part of me is screaming "No mas!" I told my best friend this morning that I don't know if I can handle another long-term illness. He reminded me that I have gotten through everything else with the love and support of my friends and families -- my chosen family at church and my natural family. After thinking and praying, I decided that he is right. I am all the things my friends and family say: handsome, upbeat, lucky, formidable, resilient and best of all -- a child of God in whom He is well pleased. That is what I do...
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