Thursday, March 29, 2012

Do you trust me?

Our Daily Bread
In the business world, there are team outings that emphasis team unity and trust.  One of the exercises is for a team member to fall backwards into the arms of the team.  The team is supposed to catch the team member as a symbol of how the team supports each other.  No, it is not like the way Charlie Brown trusts Lucy to not pull away the football each time!  Yikes!

The devotional talks about trust --  not just trusting your uncle to keep you safe in deep water.  Trusting God to be with you each and every day in your life!  How do we do that?  I have no clue!  Just kidding!  Well, it is partially true.  I had a professor in seminary that said we should trust God for every breath.  His wife and I looked at him incredulously.  How do you do that?  For me, I started small.  I started trusting God will small things as he revealed small promises to me.  I prayed for more faith and more understanding of how to do this.  I still have a very long way to go.  Very long way.  I will let go, like the last line in my blog entry each day!

Lord, help us trust you in every situation in our lives...

Technology Thursday
The other side of the coin
I have to admit that I love the Apple devices such as the iPod, iPhone and iPad.  I want to provide balanced coverage of the new iPad.  Here are some things folks are reporting online.

It runs hot
There have been documented cases where users playing games can feel the bottom left hand corner of the new iPad get 10 - 20 degrees hotter than the rest of the device.  Experts confirmed the phenomenon, but it is not consistent on all devices.  It is attributed to the quad-core GPU working too hard on high impact games.

Not all apps are optimized for the retina display
The retina display is amazing.  It has higher resolution than a 1080p bluray movie.  Very cool!  Not all apps are optimized for this display yet.  These apps can look worse on the new device than on the iPad 2.  The apps that are optimized for the new iPad have a tendency to be much larger than the iPad 2 version.

The battery indicator isn't accurate
There were some reports that 100% doesn't necessarily mean 100% on the new iPad batter indicator light.  Further tests indicated that the initial reports were not accurate.

It chews through data on my data plan
DOH!  The new iPad is an LTE device with download speeds many times the speed of the 3G iPad 2.  The other LTE tablets have the same issues.  Users notice it the most when streaming a 1080p movie over their LTE connection.  Get a larger data plan or use a wireless network if you are going to stream large files!

Other Stuff
I had a busier evening than what I planned.  I walked over to OSU for the mens basketball team sendoff.  It was very exciting.  My hero was on one of the buses heading to the airport.  She texted me later than she arrived in New Orleans safe and sound.  Have a great time!

I had a long conversation with mi tigre.  It was a good thing.

I got to church early to audition/rehearse a solo in the Spring music program.  I am excited about it.

I have to admit that I was agitated in D1 class.  My reason was from my blood sugar being too high and I didn't realize it.  I should have kept quiet, but didn't.  Oh well.  The agitation continued afterwards in conversations with someone.  It is odd.  I am moving on from the friendship.

I have a busy day ahead.  I hope your day is great!

Let go, my friends!  God will be there to catch you and hold you in his loving arms!

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