I thought the exercise of creating a six work biography (or autobiography) from today's devotional was pretty cool. I came up with a couple for myself:
A crotchety old bear needing love
Loving caring man seeking God's will
Thinking of the six word bios for the Bible characters he listed, I thought might pick out my favorite Bible characters and create the six word bios for them. Could be fun.
What would you write about yourself? What would others write about you? I hope the two match up some day for me!
Lord, thank you for this wonderful life. Six words just aren't enough to describe it!
Witness Wednesday
If you have been reading, I have had a hard couple of weeks. I think the cold/allergy thing the past week hit me the hardest. I am still trying to overcome it. Whew... I am trying to keep up my normal routine of workouts and being an overall nice guy. I am not doing so great. I will take it easy on myself (for once). Life is too good and too short to focus on these lesser things!
I will repeat something I told a friend and wrote about the other day: God is so good! How can I keep from singing!?! The only thing that may slow down my singing is my darn cold/allergies! ;-p
I hope you are truly feeling the peace that only God can give in your life, regardless of the circumstances that you face!
Other Stuff
I went home and took a short nap last night. I finished cleaning up from my dinner group on Sunday. I made some supper and watched the Bluray of Happy Feet 2. I love the soundtrack! Very cute. I forgot how much I liked the last big song "Under Pressure". I watched a few episodes of Sanctuary on my DVR, then called it a night. I slept well (compared to the night before...).
I didn't make it up for my workout this morning. I plan to go to the gym after work tonight if I feel like it. I have D1 class at 7:00.
So what is next for me? I will be patient. I will trust in the Lord. He is the Everlasting God. Strength will rise for those who wait on the Lord!
Let go, my friends! God will be there to catch you and hold you in his loving arms!
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